Tuesday, December 11, 2007

By the way...

If you're seeing calls for help posted on the blog and you're interested, but don't feel you have enough experience to do the job, just remember that the CiNEsoc team is always here to help you out! If there's anything about film production that you want to know more about - drop us an email at unswcinesoc@hotmail.com and we'll do whatever we can to help!

The holidays are always a great time to throw caution to the wind and try something new! And it's also a good time to get excited about the possibilities of the new year! For UNSW O-Week 2008 we'll have lots going on and it'll be a great way to kick off the new year at uni. But more posts on that later...in the meantime- get filming!! :)

Sounds like fun! (...lame I know!)

As one project ends, so another begins!! One of our CiNEsoc members is creating a short film in the new year, through the 'Raw Nerve' production development initiative and they are seeking a sound designer/recordist! This is a great chance to get creative both on and off set, and you'll be able to get your hands on DVD copies of the film after it's finished- so you can show off to friends, family and potential employers! If you're interested, contact Ngaire via ngaire.oleary@gmail.com.
